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Steps to Become a Listing Owner on UrbanBook


  1. Sign Up or Log In:

    • If you already have an account, log in using your credentials. If not, sign up for a new account by providing the required information.
  2. Complete Profile:

    • After logging in, complete your user profile. Include accurate details, a profile picture, and any necessary information to build trust within the community.
  3. Verify Your Account:

    • Some features may require account verification. Follow the platform’s instructions to verify your identity and enhance the security of your account.
  4. Navigate to Dashboard:

    • Once logged in, click on your user icon to access the dropdown menu. Select “Dashboard” from the options provided.
  5. Add Listing:

    • Within your dashboard, locate the “Add Listing” option. Click on it to start the process of creating a new listing for your service, property, or experience.
  6. Choose Listing Category:

    • Select the appropriate category for your listing. UrbanBook offers categories such as Accommodation, Services, and Events.
  7. Select Listing Plan:

    • Choose a listing plan that suits your needs. Plans may vary based on features, visibility, and pricing. For bookable services, select the “Business” plan to enable online bookings.
  8. Provide Listing Details:

    • Fill in all necessary information about your service, property, or experience. Include accurate pricing, availability, and any other relevant details to inform potential customers.
  9. Upload High-Quality Media:

    • Enhance your listing with high-quality images and engaging media content. Visuals play a crucial role in attracting users to your listing.
  10. Submit for Review:

    • Once all details are entered, submit your listing for review. UrbanBook may review listings to ensure they meet platform standards and guidelines.
  11. Approval and Go Live:

    • After a successful review, your listing will be approved. Congratulations! Your listing is now live on UrbanBook, ready for users to discover and book.

If you encounter any difficulties during the process, feel free to check the UrbanBook Help Centre for additional guidance and support. Welcome to UrbanBook, where your services, accommodations, and experiences come to life!