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Listing Owner Terms of Service

1. Acceptance of Terms:

  • By creating an account and listing your property or services on UrbanBook, you agree to abide by these terms of service.

2. Listing Accuracy:

  • Owners are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information in their listings, including availability, pricing, and amenities.

3. Financial Transactions:

  • UrbanBook facilitates financial transactions between owners and guests. Owners agree to adhere to the payment terms and conditions outlined by UrbanBook.

4. Verification and Communication:

  • Owners must complete the verification process on UrbanBook. Timely and responsive communication with guests is essential for a positive user experience.

5. Cancellation Policy:

  • Owners are required to specify and adhere to their chosen cancellation policy. Clear communication about cancellation terms is crucial for guest understanding.

6. Guest Reviews:

  • Owners acknowledge that guest reviews are an integral part of the platform. Encouraging honest feedback and responding professionally contribute to a positive reputation.

7. Privacy and Security:

  • Owners are expected to respect guest privacy and adhere to security measures outlined by UrbanBook. Any data collected must comply with privacy laws and UrbanBook policies.

8. Compliance with Laws:

  • Owners agree to comply with all relevant laws and regulations in their location, including those related to property rental, service provision, and taxation.

9. Superhost Standards:

  • Owners aiming for Superhost status must consistently meet UrbanBook’s Superhost standards. This includes providing exceptional experiences and maintaining high ratings.

10. Collaborations with UrbanBook: – Owners may be invited to participate in promotional activities, features, or campaigns initiated by UrbanBook. Collaboration is voluntary, and terms will be communicated separately.

11. Guest Priority: – Guests who book services on UrbanBook shall be given priority based on the booked time slot or the time specified on their booking slip. Owners are expected to honor the scheduled times to provide a seamless and reliable experience.

12. Termination of Account: – UrbanBook reserves the right to terminate or suspend an owner’s account in cases of violation of terms, fraudulent activity, or other breaches of platform policies.

13. Changes to Terms: – UrbanBook may update these terms periodically. Owners will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the platform implies acceptance of the modified terms.

14. Governing Law: – These terms are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which UrbanBook operates. Any disputes shall be resolved in accordance with these laws.

By listing on UrbanBook, owners acknowledge and agree to these terms of service. UrbanBook encourages a collaborative and respectful environment for owners, ensuring a positive experience for both owners and guests.