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473 reviews
  • Mungelo Mwaanga Sikateyo

    Connecting with my roots is an ethereal experience that I fail to express the amount of overwhelming bewilderment, I felt and the connection to my fellow countrymen and the uniqueness of the culture and traditions they share, in both life and death.

  • Christopher Tembo
    Christopher Tembo
    a year ago

    It's a really great place to visit and chill from. You don't don't really need to pay to be in the premises unless if you want to go into the building.

  • Jose
    3 months ago

    Very Interesting and well organized museum, also with a great gift shop. 300 kwachas

  • Matthias Arnold
    Matthias Arnold
    a year ago

    Small but informative museum, currently with special exhibition on Gabriel Ellison, designer of the Zambian national icons. Also features a large curio shop, but no café anymore. Housed in one of the oldes buildings in the area, which was neatly renovated.

  • Sherri Ellington
    Sherri Ellington
    2 years ago

    *Great stop for traditional Zambian food (quick/buffet style) en route to Livingstone. *Lovely craft market inside the Choma Museum, good prices, supports Zambian artisans. *We didn't go through the museum this trip but have enjoyed it in the past. *You need permission before taking a photo of the three huge metal balls in the field. We got permission. Even then it's hard to read the sign, so I will transcribe it here: BUSH CLEARING EQUIPMENT Three eleven-ton metal balls were used to erase trees connecting them with the battleship anchor chain & pulling them by huge Caterpillars; in preparation for the flooding of the Gweembe Valley basin, following the construction of the Kafue Dam 1957

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