
Profile Setup

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Setting up your profile on UrbanBook is a breeze! Follow these steps to ensure your profile is complete and ready for a personalized experience

  1. Access Your Account: Log in to your UrbanBook account using your email and password or through your connected social media account.

  2. Navigate to Your Profile:Once logged in, click on your profile icon or username in the top right corner of the screen. This will take you to your user dashboard.

  3. Complete Personal Information:

    Add your full name, contact details, and any other relevant personal information.Consider linking social media accounts and working phone numbers to enhance your profile and share your experiences.
  4. Profile Picture:

    Upload a clear and inviting profile picture. This helps other users and businesses recognize you..
  5. Security Settings:

    Review and update your security settings, including your password and notification preferences.
  6. Verify and Save Changes:

    Before leaving the profile settings, verify that all information is accurate and up-to-date.Click the “Save” or “Update Profile” button to apply the changes.

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